1. Top
  2. Terms of service

Terms of service

JR East Cross Station Privacy Policy Co., Ltd.

Basic policy regarding the handling of personal information

  1. Basic policy


  2. Organizational activities

    • We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information.
    • We have established internal rules regarding the handling of personal information and will comply with them.
    • We regularly check whether personal information is handled properly, and if there is a problem, we will improve it.
    • We request companies and individuals who have business with us to cooperate in achieving the objectives of our internal rules.
    • This basic policy can be viewed at any time by posting it on our website (https://www.jr-cross.co.jp/).
  3. About the handling of personal information

    We will handle personal information as follows, except when it is permitted by law to handle it as an exception.

    • Improvement of internal system
      We assign an administrator for each personal information and manage it appropriately.
    • Acquisition of personal information
      When acquiring personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use and acquire it by an appropriate method.
    • Use of personal information
      We strongly recognize the importance of protecting personal information when using personal information, and use it within the scope of its purpose of use.
    • Appropriate management of personal information
      We will implement necessary security measures when managing personal information.
    • Respect for the rights of the person
      We will respect the rights of the individual regarding personal information, and when requested to disclose, correct, or suspend the use of that information, we will respond within a reasonable period of time and within the scope stipulated by laws and regulations.
    • Continuous improvement of handling of personal information
      We will continuously strive to improve the handling of personal information.

April 2021
JR East Cross Station Co., Ltd.

Specific matters regarding the handling of personal information

We will acquire personal information necessary for our business in order to carry out our business smoothly, but in addition to the "Basic Policy on the Handling of Personal Information", we will handle this personal information as follows.

  1. Purpose of use of personal information

    The purposes of using the personal information acquired by the Company are as follows. In addition, the Company may provide the personal information acquired by the Company to the extent necessary for the business consignee in connection with the business consignment.

    • Purpose of use of personal information obtained from customers
      • For the conclusion and fulfillment of contracts, including the provision of goods and services, post-contract management, and after-sales service for the goods and services provided.
      • For contact necessary to provide products and services (including when requesting delivery of products to a courier, etc.)
      • For information on products and services and other information on our business activities
      • For studying and developing new products and services and the software, systems, equipment, equipment, etc. provided by them.
      • 商品・サービスに関する料金等の請求収納及び債権保全のため(信販会社等へクレジットカード等による支払い手続きを依頼する場合を含みます)
      • For market research and other research
      • For business analysis
      • For the implementation of sweepstakes, campaigns, etc.
      • For contract conclusion and performance with business partners and post-contract management
      • For CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities
      • To receive and respond to inquiries and opinions from customers
      • For procedures related to holding internships and open seminars
      • To ensure the security of customers and employees
      • For studying and developing software, systems, equipment, equipment, etc. related to ensuring security
      • For maintenance management of our facilities, equipment and equipment and management of their usage status

    In addition, the Company may provide the personal information acquired by the Company to the extent necessary for the business consignee in connection with the business consignment.

  2. Provision of personal information obtained from customers to a third party

    • We will transfer the personal information obtained from the customer to a third party without obtaining the consent of the customer in advance, except for the purpose described in the purpose of use of the personal information obtained from the customer and in any of the following cases. Not provided.
      • When required by law
      • 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、お客さま本人の同意を得ることが困難なとき
      • 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、お客さまの本人の同意を得ることが困難なとき
      • When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, the affairs can be carried out with the consent of the customer. When there is a risk of hindrance
  3. Shared use of personal information

    We may share personal data as follows to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

    About shared use of JRE POINT member information

    当社は、東日本旅客鉄道株式会社(以下「JR東日本」といいます)が運営するJRE POINTのサービスに関して、JRE POINT会員規約に基づき、以下の通りJRE POINTに関する会員情報を共同利用します。なお、共同利用にあたり、個人情報保護法およびそのガイドラインの定めに則り、情報の管理・監督に努めます。

    • Items of personal information to be shared
      • Items such as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, E-mail address, etc. that the member delivered at the time of application for membership and items that were delivered after membership.
      • 入会日、会員番号、ポイント付与及び利用に必要な情報、ポイント付与及び利用に関する履歴(利用日時、利用店舗、利用金額、購入商品、決済手段等に関する情報を含みます)等の情報
      • 会員のJRE POINTのサービスの利用内容及び電話等での問合せ等により知り得た情報(通話内容を含みます)
    • Scope of joint users

      JR East group companies listed in JR East and JR East securities reports

    • purpose of use
      • JRE POINTのサービスの提供及びポイント特典等の提供を行うため
      • JRE POINTのサービスの利用状況(本項(1)に定める共同利用する個人データの項目を含みます)を分析し、市場調査、商品開発、お客さまの趣味、嗜好に応じたマーケティングを行うため
      • 取得した閲覧履歴や購買履歴等の情報を分析し、当社及び本項(2)で定める共同利用の範囲が営む事業における商品、ポイント特典、サービスに関する宣伝物等の送付、広告の展開及びそれに付随する営業案内を行うため
      • 会員への取引上必要な連絡及び取引内容の確認を行うため
      • JRE POINT会員規約に基づき個人情報を共同利用する者の行う会員組織の登録及び維持管理を行うため
      • JRE POINTのサービスを提供する目的において、法令の手続きに従って第三者への提供を行うため
      • JRE POINT WEBサイト等を利用・閲覧する会員の利用状況を分析し、JRE POINT WEBサイト等のサービスの内容改善による利便性の向上、及び会員に対して興味・関心度の高い情報を適切なタイミングで提供するため
      • JRE POINT WEBサイト等を利用・閲覧した会員について、JRE POINT WEBサイト等の広告主、広告サービス配信事業者及びポイント加盟店等に対して、個人を特定できない状態で、会員の属性情報(性別、生年月日、郵便番号等)を提供し、会員に対して興味・関心度の高い情報を提供するため
      • For other purposes that are similar to or related to the above purposes.
    • Shared use manager

      代表取締役社長 喜㔟 陽一

    Shared use of JRE MALL member information

    当社は、東日本旅客鉄道株式会社(以下「JR東日本」といいます)が運営するJRE MALLに関し、JRE MALL「ご利用規約」に基づき、以下のとおりJRE MALLの会員情報を共同利用します。なお、共同利用にあたり、個人情報保護法およびそのガイドラインの定めに則り、情報の管理・監督に努めます。

    • Items of personal information to be shared
      • Items such as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, E-mail address, etc. that the member delivered at the time of application for membership and items that were delivered after membership.
      • Matters concerning the contract between the member and JR East, such as the date of enrollment and membership card number
      • 会員のJRE MALLの利用内容及び電話等での問合せ等によりJR東日本が知り得た情報(通話内容を含みます)
    • Scope of joint users

      Group companies listed in JR East and JR East securities reports, etc.

    • purpose of use
      • JRE MALLの運営及びポイント特典等の提供を行うため
      • JRE MALL等の利用状況に基づく市場調査、商品開発を行うため
      • 会員への取引上必要な連絡及び取引内容の確認を行うため
      • 個人情報を共同利用する者の行う会員組織の登録及び維持管理を行うため
      • JRE MALL等を運営する目的において、法令の手続に従って第三者への提供を行うため
      • For other purposes that are similar to or related to the above purposes.
    • Shared use manager

      代表取締役社長 喜㔟 陽一

  4. Procedures for disclosure of personal information, etc.

    If we wish to disclose your own information regarding the personal information we have acquired, we will confirm that you and the person who made the request are you, and then a reasonable period of time. , We will respond within the range stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition, a fee will be charged for some requests for disclosure, etc.

    • Contents of disclosure, etc.
      • Notification of purpose of use (charged)
      • Disclosure (charged)
      • Correction, addition or deletion of contents
      • Suspension or deletion
      • Suspension of provision to third parties

      In addition, due to suspension or deletion of use, we may not be able to provide services according to your request unwillingly, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation (in addition, we hold it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations). We may not be able to respond to requests for suspension or deletion of the information we have received).

    • Request for disclosure, etc.

      When requesting disclosure, etc., it is necessary to fill in the necessary items on our prescribed disclosure request form (Note 1) and confirm that you and the person who made the request are you. Please enclose the documents (Note 2) and handling fee (Note 3) and apply by registered mail, simple registered mail, delivery record mail, or other method that keeps a record of delivery to the next address.
      Please note that we cannot respond to requests for disclosure, etc. that do not use this method (including cases where you come directly to us).
      In addition, if there is a defect in the disclosure request form, or if we cannot confirm that you and the person who made the request are you, we will contact you to that effect and inform you of the re-request. If there is no re-billing within 2 weeks after contacting us, we will treat it as if there was no request for disclosure etc. and we will not refund the fee.

      〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷5-33-8 サウスゲート新宿ビル6階
      株式会社JR東日本クロスステーション お客さま相談窓口

    • How to notify the result of a request for disclosure, etc.

      We will notify the person who made the request (name and address of the requester stated in the disclosure request form) in writing by mail (personal limited receipt mail). In addition, if we do not disclose (Note 4), we will notify you with the reason.
      Please note that it may take a few days for notification.

    • Purpose of use of personal information obtained by requesting disclosure, etc.

      Personal information obtained by requesting disclosure, etc. will be used only to the extent necessary for procedures such as disclosure, etc. In addition, the submitted documents will be properly disposed of.

    • Reception desk for complaints, etc.

      For complaints and inquiries regarding the personal information acquired by the Company, please contact the following "Personal Information Reception Desk" by e-mail or mail.
      Please note that we will not be able to accept complaints that do not use this method (including cases where you come directly to us).

      住所:〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷5-33-8 サウスゲート新宿ビル6階
      株式会社JR東日本クロスステーション お客さま相談窓口

      営業時間:月曜~金曜 9:00~17:30

    • How to obtain the invoice for disclosure, etc. prescribed by the Company

      The invoice for disclosure, etc. prescribed by the Company will be issued by the following method.
      If you wish to receive by fax or mail, please note that you wish to receive a request for disclosure, etc., the fax number of the person who wants it in the case of FAX, and the name of the person who wants it in the case of mail.・ Please enter your address and apply by fax or postcard.

      • 開示等請求書はこちら別ウィンドウで開きます(PDF:124KB)
      • FAX:03-5324-6891
        郵送:〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷5-33-8 サウスゲート新宿ビル6階
        株式会社JR東日本クロスステーション お客さま相談窓口
    • Documents required to confirm your identity

      This is a copy of your health insurance card, pension certificate, seal registration certificate, etc.
      If you are not the person who made the request, please also enclose the following documents.

      • If the customer is a minor or an adult guardian, the legal representative
      • A copy of documents that can confirm that you have legal representative rights, such as a copy of your family register or a certificate of adult guardianship registration
      • Agent delegated by the customer to request disclosure, etc.
      • A copy of documents that can confirm that you have legal representation rights, such as a power of attorney or a certificate of seal registration of an agent (a seal stamped in the margin of the original within 3 months from the date of creation)
    • When requesting disclosure, etc. for which a fee is charged, a fee of 600 yen will be charged for each case, so please enclose a postage stamp or postal exchange for 600 yen.
      In the case of postal exchange, a separate fee will be charged by the post office.
      In addition, even if the fee is excessive, the difference will not be returned. If the fee is insufficient or if the fee is not enclosed, we will contact you to that effect, but if you do not pay within 2 weeks after contacting us, we will not disclose it. Once decided, the fee will not be refunded.

    • When not disclosing

      We will not disclose if any of the following applies. In addition, the fee will not be returned.

      • Notification of purpose of use
        • When the purpose of use is clear
        • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
        • When there is a risk of harming the rights or legitimate interests of the company
        • When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and there is a risk of hindering the performance of the affairs.
        • When there is no retained personal data related to the claim
        • If the claimant does not pay the prescribed fee
      • Disclosure
        • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
        • When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the company's business
        • When it violates other laws and regulations
        • When special procedures are stipulated by the provisions of other laws and regulations
        • When there is no retained personal data related to the claim
        • If the claimant does not pay the prescribed fee
      • Correction, addition or deletion
        • When the content of the retained personal data is true
        • When special procedures are stipulated by the provisions of other laws and regulations
        • When correction etc. is not necessary from the viewpoint of the purpose of use
      • Suspension or deletion
        • あらかじめ特定した利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で取り扱っている場合(違反を是正するために必要な限度を超える場合を含みます)
        • 適正な方法で取得している場合(違反を是正するために必要な限度を超える場合を含みます)
        • When it is difficult to suspend or delete the use or suspend the provision due to a large amount of cost, and take alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the person.
      • Suspension of provision to third parties
        • When providing with the consent of the person in advance
        • When required by law
        • When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
        • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
        • When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the person will hinder the performance of the affairs. When there is a risk of exerting
        • When it is difficult to suspend or delete the use or suspend the provision due to a large amount of cost, and take alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the person.
  5. 個人情報の安全管理のために講じた措置


    • 基本方針の策定


    • 個人情報の取扱いに係る規律の整備


    • 組織的安全管理措置


    • 人的安全管理措置


    • 物理的安全管理措置


    • 技術的安全管理措置


    • 外的環境の把握


  6. その他の公表事項


    代表取締役社長 西野 史尚

JR East Cross Station Site Terms of Use

  1. When using this website


    • About the scope of effect of this item
      The scope of the effect of this item is all data stored in all the servers necessary for the operation of this site and the contents composed of them.
    • About the operation of the website
      This website is produced, published and operated for those who live in Japan. The use of this website is governed by Japanese law, and all disputes arising out of this website shall be subject to the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court as the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.
    • About website changes
      We may change, add, or delete the content or URL posted on this website without notice.
    • About suspension of service
      If we determine that it is necessary to suspend the provision of this website service due to system maintenance / failure, fire / power outage, natural disaster such as earthquake, or other operational / technical reasons, we will not notify you in advance. The provision of website services may be suspended. We are not responsible for any damage caused by this interruption.
  2. Handling of personal information on this website

    • Personal data automatically collected when using this website
      • We collect cookies, behavior history (accessed URLs, contents, reference order, etc.), IP addresses, and referrer information as customer access information. Please refer to the "Cookie Policy" section for details. The cookies set on this website do not include any personal information (name, date of birth, telephone number, email address, address, account number, etc. that can identify an individual).
      • 当社はGoogle Analyticsを利用しています。Google Analyticsの利用においてデータが収集及び処理される仕組みの詳細については、同社ウェブサイト「ユーザーが Google パートナーのサイトやアプリを使用する際の Google によるデータ使用」等に説明がありますのでご参照ください。
    • Security protection when sending and receiving personal information
    • About the purpose of use of personal data collected on this website
      • For market research and other research related to our business
      • For management analysis related to our business
      • To ensure customer security
      • For studying and developing software, systems, equipment, equipment, etc. related to ensuring security
      • For maintenance management of facilities, equipment and equipment and management of their usage status
      • For website usage analysis
    • about the link
    • About protection of personal information at linked sites
      We cannot be held responsible for ensuring the security of personal information on other websites linked from our website. For the protection and management of personal information at the linked site, please check the privacy policy at the linked site.
  3. cookie policy

    • What is a cookie?
      A cookie is a file created on the customer's terminal that is used when visiting the website, and stores the information sent from the website.
    • Purpose of use of our cookies
      We use cookies for the following purposes:
      • Session maintenance
        We use cookies to retain session information when you use your web page. For example, store your session ID in a cookie to identify you.
      • Survey analysis, performance improvement
        We use cookies to analyze website usage and improve the convenience of our services. For example, we will investigate the number of visits and browsing time of the web page, review the content of the web page, and improve it so that the information that the customer is interested in is transmitted. Understand the response time of each web page and identify the web page or function to be improved.
      • Advertisement delivery
        We may use cookies to deliver advertisements.
    • cookieの利用について
    • Changes to this cookie policy
      The contents of this cookie policy will be revised as necessary without prior notice. The revision of this cookie policy will be posted on the website.
  4. About site links

    • About copyright
      As a general rule, the copyright of the content on this website is owned by us. Regarding the use of all photos, company name logos, images, texts and other data posted on this website, copy, diversion, reprint, electromagnetic processing, transmission, distribution, secondary use, etc. We do not accept any similar acts.
    • Link setting conditions
      The link setting location will be the top page of this website. When setting the link, please contact us by clearly stating the following contents on the inquiry form.
      • URL of the homepage to be linked
      • The name of the corporation or individual who operates the homepage
      • Contact information
      • purpose of use
      • setting date
      • Please note that it may take some time to respond depending on the content of your inquiry. Please note that we do not reply to the link setting request to the top page except when rejecting the link. If you would like to link to a page other than the top page, please contact us by clearly stating the above items, desired URL, and reason for using in the inquiry form. We will consider and answer. In this case, please refrain from setting the link until we receive a reply. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages or complaints related to the link.
    • Prohibitions on linking
      We do not accept links from the following websites.
      • For commercial purposes
      • Products or services of our company or a third party that are or may be defamed
      • Anything that infringes or may infringe the copyright or other intellectual property rights of our company or a third party
      • Anything that infringes or may infringe the property, honor, personality rights or privacy of us or a third party
      • Things that are offensive to public order and morals
      • Items that may mislead or mislead the viewer's judgment
      • フレーミングによる表示。フレーム内などに本ウェブサイトを表示させることは堅くお断りいたします。フレーム設定されている場合は、TARGET属性を_blankもしくは_topに設定してリンク願います。
    • About publication in magazines, etc.
      Even if this site is posted on various media by methods other than links, such as posting articles in magazines and recording shortcuts on electronic media, we will comply with all the items described above. Please be sure to contact us in advance before posting.
    • Proposals via the Internet, etc.
      Regarding the transmission of technical proposals, commercial proposals, or similar proposals to the Company via the Internet, etc., there are accidental similarities with the technologies and commercial concepts that the Company independently develops, examines, and develops. Please refrain from doing so as it may cause a dispute. Please note that in the unlikely event that you submit a proposal or something similar via the Internet, etc., we will handle it as follows.
      • We will not evaluate or consider the contents of your inquiry.
      • We are not obligated to keep the contents of your request confidential.
      • Even if the content of your proposal and some or all of the proposals developed, developed, and adopted by us are similar or duplicated, we will take all responsibility including payment of compensation. not.
  5. Recommended environment

    • Recommended browser
      When viewing this website, we recommend the standard browser for both iOS and Android for PCs such as Google Chrome latest version, Microsoft Edge latest version, Firefox latest version, Safari latest version, and smartphones.
      • A standard browser is a browser that comes standard with your device.
      • Other than the above operating environment, it may not function properly or may not be displayed correctly. Even under the recommended environment, this website may not be used normally due to your computer environment or other reasons. Please note.
    • Plugins etc.
      The following plug-ins are required for some pages of this website. Adobe Reader is required to view the PDF file.
    • About JavaScript
      I have content that uses JavaScript. If the JavaScript function is disabled in your browser, some content may not be displayed correctly or may not function properly. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings.
    • About SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
      This website uses 128-bit SSL encrypted communication to protect the communication content from tampering and eavesdropping by a third party on the page that communicates personal information from the browser to the server. I am. For more secure communication, we recommend that you enable the SSL setting of your browser.
    • About temporary internet files (cache)
      Depending on the settings of the temporary Internet file (cache file) of the browser, the latest information may not be displayed on the customer's browser. In that case, we recommend that you press the "Update" button on your browser or delete the temporary files (cache files) on a regular basis.
  6. Precautions for use (Disclaimer regarding posted information)

    • Although we pay various attention to the information posted on this website, we do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, usefulness, safety, etc. of the content. In addition, please note that we will not be liable for any consequences caused by the judgments and actions taken by the user based on the posted information.
    • The information on products, campaigns, etc. posted on this website is information on some of the products sold by the Company or the campaigns, etc. that are being developed, and does not cover all of them. Please note. In addition, all posted information on this website is information at the time of posting, and after posting on this website, the name and contents may be revised or abolished without prior notice, or posted over time. The information may not match the actual information.
    • In addition, the address of this website, including the top page, is subject to change without prior notice. Please note that we are not liable for any problems related to display such as broken links caused by changing the address of this website.
  7. Social media communication policy

    We consider social media to be a place to communicate widely with you and build good relationships. The following are the attitudes and actions that our officers, employees, and all other parties involved in our business should comply with in the operation of official social media accounts as the "JR East Cross Station Social Media Communication Policy." I will decide.

    Our attitude and actions to be observed
    • "Awareness and responsibility" in disseminating information through social media
      • インターネットへの情報発信に際しては、不特定多数の利用者が、容易かつ瞬時にアクセス可能であること、一度公開した情報は、完全に削除できないことを常に意識します。
      • 一人ひとりの情報発信が、認知・議論・批判の対象とされ、少なからぬ影響を持つことを十分に認識し、責任ある行動をとります。
    • Understanding and observing various laws and internal rules
      • 情報発信にあたっては、法令や当社が定めた独自の内部規定を厳格に遵守します。特に、著作権・商標権・肖像権、誹謗中傷による名誉、その他権利侵害行為を行わないこととします。
      • 良識ある社会人として、健全な社会常識から逸脱した言動がないよう常に自らを律し、「誠実・公平・公正」な姿勢でみなさまとのコミュニケーションに臨みます。
    • Attitudes for participating in social media
      • We will not forget to listen and respect what you say.
      • Responsible for disseminating and responding to information, and be careful not to cause misunderstandings or discomfort.
      • We will endeavor to convey true and accurate information in easy-to-understand expressions.
      • Please refrain from disseminating information that includes privacy and personal information.
      • Fulfill your responsibilities in your daily work.

    * When using our social media, we would like to ask all users for the following information.

    [Information and requests to all users]

    Due to the nature of social media, the information sent does not necessarily represent an official view. For official announcements and dissemination of opinions of our company, please refer to our website and news releases.

    The information is as of the time of transmission and is subject to change thereafter. please note.

    [Inquiries about social media policy]

    For inquiries regarding the use of social media, please use the inquiry form.