Employee interviews Here, I never get tired of work
There is an environment.
I've been working for over 10 years
I can assure you.

TTJoined a new graduate in 2009

Foods Company
Restaurant Division
5 CROSSTIES COFFEE GRANSTA Tokyo store manager

Being interested in the food and beverage industry by working part-time in customer service sales at a baseball field when I was in college. While proceeding to selection in a wide range of industries in job hunting, all the employees who interacted with me became interested in the potential of EKINAKA and decided to join the company. In the future, I had the goal of having my own shop independently, but I am looking forward to the environment of a company with many opportunities and thinking about the next step up.
Career / transfer history
入社後は東京と千葉のベックスコーヒーショップ4店舗で経験を積み、2年目に静岡の店舗で店長に就任。その後2店舗での店長経験を経て、2017年8月からはJR東日本グループ会社に出向。デベロッパー業務を2年間経験する。出向終了後、5 CROSSTIES COFFEEへ。上野店のリニューアルオープンに携わった後、現在の店舗へ。今はBOOK COMPASS CAFE ecute東京店も兼任する。




From April 2021, the four companies have been integrated into a Cross Station. You will be more flexible and able to challenge a wide range of careers. Opportunities for success are endless.


Having been involved in the operation of multiple stores for many years, I am convinced that the most important thing in store management is to make a store with many smiles from working staff. A restaurant can only be established with the cooperation of part-time staff who work together, such as hall staff and kitchen staff. It is best for all staff to work happily without stress. If you don't feel that you're having fun with customer service, you won't be able to tell your customers, and you'll think it's a boring store. The customer service at restaurants is one of the arts if you change your perspective. If each staff member thinks and acts, "How do you want our customers to enjoy themselves?", We can provide good customer service that goes beyond the manual. If you tell your customers that the store is fun and cozy, you will be able to become a repeater and come back to the store again. The sales of the store will naturally follow later. It's strange, but I feel that it is more effective than any management know-how.

Also, some of you who read this may feel that the store manager at your part-time job is tired because you can't take a rest, but we are taking time off properly. Being entrusted with how to manage a store by yourself from an early stage has a great deal of discretion, and you can manage your ideal store. There are bosses and colleagues who will always support you if you have a problem, and they will also be available for consultation. Of course I will also consult!

What kind of EKINAKA do you want to achieve because it is a Cross Station?

今グランスタ東京で働いていますので、フーズカンパニーやリテールカンパニーが運営する店舗とデベロップメントカンパニーのショップさまと連動したキャンペーンができたらと思っています。例えば、5 CROSSTIES COFFEEのレシートを他店に持っていくと割引になる、など。いわゆる“ショップの買い回り”の連携ができたら、面白いのではないでしょうか。あと、私のこれまでのキャリアでいろんな経験を積めたように、今後はカンパニー間で積極的な人事交流が生まれれば、クロスステーション全体として、人材のスキルアップにつながっていくと思います。

(It will be the contents at the time of the interview in December 2021)