This is a frequently asked question from everyone.
If you have any questions or problems, please check here.

Please tell me what to hire
2024年4月から2025年3月までに以下の学校を卒業見込・修了見込の方 若しくは2021年4月から2024年3月までに以下の学校を卒業・修了された方
  1. grad student
  2. 4年制大学
What kind of job do you have?
Please see below.

マイナビ2025Opens in a new window

Are you eligible to apply in the faculty / department?
It doesn't matter if you are in the humanities / science field, faculty, or department. Please apply positively.
Is it possible to apply for multiple companies at the same time?
It is possible to apply concurrently.
Are there any specialized knowledge or qualifications that I should acquire before joining the company?
特にございません。学生時代にしか出来ないことを精一杯やりきって入社日を迎えてください。 さまざまな経験をし、見識を広めることで成長に繋がります。
If I do not have part-time work experience in the hospitality business, will there be any impact after selection or joining the company?
There is no effect on the success or failure of the selection. Please be assured that there will be training for new employees after joining the company.
How can I participate in the company information session?
I am a graduate, can I apply?
Is it mandatory to attend the company information session?
It is not essential, but please join us to deepen your understanding of the company.
Can you discuss when to join the company?
As a general rule, we plan to hire new graduates in April, but if there are individual circumstances, we will consult with you individually.
Where should I ask questions about hiring?
JR-Cross採用窓口 <saiyo@jr-cross.co.jp>
Are there any changes that accompany a move?
There is a possibility that you may be transferred depending on the department or business you are assigned to.
It is possible to move into the company housing under certain conditions.
Are there any transfers across companies?
さらに、男性社員については子の出生日から31日以内で最長5日までの有給休暇(配偶者出産休暇 有給)も設けています。
男性 31 20 65%
女性 41 41 100%
  • 2022年4月1日~2023年3月31日において
  • 対象者(A):子が生まれた従業員(ただし、分娩休暇(産後)取得中の者を除く) 
  • 育休等取得者(B):育児休職(産後パパ育休含む)を取得した男女従業員及び配偶者出産休暇(配偶者分娩休暇)を取得した男性従業員
  • 小数点第1位以下切り捨て