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  2. About compliance

About compliance

East Japan Railway Company Compliance Consultation Counter

The JR East Group operates a compliance consultation desk based on the purpose of the Whistleblower Protection Act.
This window is a window where people working in the JR East Group can consult and report "when they recognize behavior that violates or may violate legal compliance or corporate ethics" within the JR East Group. Even if a person working at a company that has a business relationship with the East Japan Group recognizes the "facts subject to reporting" stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Whistleblower Protection Act within the JR East Group, it is possible to consult and report. I can do it.

When using, please fill in the required items on the designated public interest report form (PDF: 10KB) and send it to the following contact information.

contact information
〒 151-8578
2-2-2 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
East Japan Railway Company Compliance Consultation Counter

We also have the following contact points.
Please fill in the required items on the designated public interest report form (PDF: 10KB) and send it to the following contact information.

contact information
東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷5-33-8 サウスゲート新宿ビル6階
株式会社JR東日本クロスステーション コンプライアンス相談窓口